Episode 20: Season’s Of Life // Where God Guides, God Provides


Have you had the feeling that your life is changing, and God has given you a new season, but felt unsure? If so, have you prayed about receiving a confirmation that you are in fact in the God chosen season of your life? Join me today as I share my answers to these questions, and offer God given knowledge. Listen In.  

Quotes + Links + Resources From This Episode:

  • “It is okay for seasons of life to change, we just accept the new thing the Lord has for us.” Christian Elder

  • To every thing there is a season, and a time of every purpose under the heaven;

    Ecclesiastes 3:1

  • 2 Simple Ideas for starting a new season in your life.

    1. Every ending is a new opportunity to grow

    2. Patience is key.

  • “A Dream written down with a date becomes a Goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a Plan. A plan backed with Action becomes Reality.”  DreamsQuote

  • “Seasons come, seasons go, seasons change, but the lessons remain. You can’t force a season to last if its time has passed. Happiness is loving every season for different reasons. Embrace the season you’re in, and when it’s time to let go, embrace your chance to begin again.”  Mandy Hale

  • Elitedaily.com


Episode 21: That One True Friend // Ride Or Die


Episode 19: A Stitch In Time // Leaving A Lasting Legacy