Episode 19: A Stitch In Time // Leaving A Lasting Legacy


What are you doing today that will leave a legacy for the next generation? Join me as I share 5 simple ways to start leaving a lasting legacy today. Listen In.

Quotes + Links + Resources From This Episode:

  • “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

  • One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. Psalm 145:4

  • “Making quilts is not just about sewing, it is leaving a story for generations to come.” Betsy Mae Green

  • 5 Simple ways to start leaving a Lasting Legacy today:

    1. Speak Kindness to the people around you.

    2. Find something that you are passionate about, something that makes you happy.

    3. Practice giving grace.

    4. Show up in the small things.

    5. Start a prayer journal.

  • Simpleandsoulful.blog

  • Upjourney.com

  • Encouragingmomsathome.com


Episode 20: Season’s Of Life // Where God Guides, God Provides


Episode 18: Give Me A Word // Raise A Hallelujah