Episode 69: How Did I Do Today?


There are many opportunities in your life to become more of the person you want to be. Join me today as I share a poem that helped me ask the hard question, “How Did I Do Today?” Listen In.

Quotes + Links + Resources From This Episode:

  • How Did I Do Today God?

    The day is done night is here, and I sit in quiet as my family sleeps near.

    My mind is frozen with writer’s block, unsure of what God wants me to say.

    I could go in a zillion directions with thoughts of my own, but keep thinking of today, and the question I saw posted in a grab your attention kind of way.

    “People are watching you and they want to know, how does faith make your life different?

    Does your life point to him?

    Does your life show the way to the father, and to the freedom from sin?

    Does it point to the truth? Or is it just for show?

    Does your life truly point the way to go?”

    As I ponder this question, I think of my day.

    Did I reach out to others? Did I offer a hug?

    Did I offer kind words and genuine love?

    Did I forgive and let go of their trespasses against me?

    Was I humble and gracious, or did I hold a grudge,

    And close the door on showing his amazing unconditional love?

    Did I argue with my neighbor when my button was pushed?

    Or did I pray for patience and a gracious response?

    Did I unload all my burdens onto my spouse?

    Or did I give them to the Lord, and keep peace in my house?

    Did I model the fruits of the spirit to my children?

    Or did I falter and succumb to the pressures and fail them?

    Did I argue and push others by throwing scripture in their face, or did I instead invite them in with love, and offer a warm place?

    These are the questions I’m pondering tonight, stumped with what blog post should I write.

    And maybe this is God’s way to check in and see, and ensure I’m remembering Him, and not just me.


Episode 68: Squash Negative Thoughts