Tabitha Bolton

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How To Feed Your Soul

Your body can adjust to what you eat. Your mind can adjust to what you consume, and ponder on. Your soul can adjust to what you love, or choose to hate. What you feed yourself today, is who you will become tomorrow.

Having healthy habits is a great way to honor God, by nourishing your body and soul. I have came up with a list some of activities that have refueled my soul and warmed my heart. I pray they will do the same for you.

1.    Attend church, wither in person or virtual on social media.

2.    Read the Bible or listen on audio Bible  – find a bible reading plan that works for you.

3. Pray and Meditate.

4.    Listen to your favorite worship music.

5.    Bible Study – So many methods of studying. You will find a sample list of some different methods on a later blog post, check it out.

6.    Make a Bible Journal or War Binder – originated from move War Room…simply a book/folder with multiple sections you can document your spiritual journey with Christ. A place to hold your bible studies, prayers, gratitude, inspiration, personal growth, notes. Keep it simple, it is not the binder it’s self that is important, but what you put in it that counts.

7. Yoga. Because I bend, so I don’t break.

8.    Do things with heart and purpose. Help someone in need, without any expectation of recognition or reward.

9. Start connecting. A smile, a kind word of encouragement to the people around you could potentially make a difference in their life. Get mailing addresses for family and friends to send what I like to call “Happy Mail”. That can be anything from a birthday card, or just a simple note to say Hi. Everyone loves to receive mail that is not bills or offers for more credit cards.

Last but not least…

10. Practice gratitude by improving your attitude. Focus on what is right in your life. You will be able to have good feelings and stop the nasty negative thoughts that hold you back. Make it a point, when you start to feel “Negative Nancy” taking over you start to celebrate what is right in your life. My little mother used to say, “No matter how bad you think things are, there is always somebody somewhere that has it worse than you.”

Today, I challenge you to do something that feeds your soul.

Love & Prayers,

Tab ♥